01 June 2010

Music for Dogs

The World Premiere of a unique concert experience on the Sydney Opera House Forecourt, for you...and your dog!

Laurie Anderson has composed a 20 minute work especially for the hearing range of dogs – who can hear frequencies far outside the human audio spectrum. Taking the idea of the apparently inaudible dog whistle to new artistic heights, our canine friends will be treated to a glorious cacophony of sound, while all we will hear is the lapping of the water on the harbour.

The morning will be an inter-species social gathering on a scale never seen before in Australia. Breakfast can be purchased onsite including freshly brewed coffee and egg & bacon rolls, while you watch dog demonstrations and be surprised by some very special guests.

This is an event that you’ll be yapping about for years to come, an absolute must for any dog and their two legged friends!

[Source: Vivid Live]


  1. Music for a dog? giving a great and nice music while he sleep is a great ideas just like having my pet a nice Dog Clothes. Would it be nice idea?
