16 May 2007

Dog Poop as Political Art

When you have a dog, poop is just part of the deal. Along comes PACT (Pooptagging Against Cultural Theft) which wants to make political art through doggie doo. According to their site:

The concept is simple. Corporations naturally try to privatize everything in their path, so we'll give them a hand. Whenever you see an abandoned pile of doggie doo, stick a copyright flag in it and lay your claim. One by one, we'll show the corporate world what we think of their claim to ownership of our culture.

As much as we hate "The Man" and love art, you can't leave poop lying around the streets of NYC, especially with a flag in it. 1. it's illegal 2. it's gross 3. doggie doo is the leading source of e. coli bacterial pollution 4. it's gross 5. if I come across a random pile of poo, I'm not going anywhere near it 6. did I mention it's gross? Instead, we recommend this adorable baggie carrier and make a statement against poop abandoners by yelling at people who don't pick up after their dogs.