03 July 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

Everyone is celebrating the 4th of July in some form or another, so why not include the pets as well? There are events all over the U.S. that pet owners can bring their pets to. Some are parades for their pets and others are just festivities for the family including their pets. Most of these events are during the day so pet owners will be able to take their pets home before the firework events start. If pet owners keep their pets with them, keep in mind that July 4th is one of the highest round-up nights for the local humane societies and animal control officers. Pets get scared and run away from their owners and get picked up. Do use extreme caution if keeping your pet out for the fireworks displays. And, above all, Have fun! For a great survey of 4-legger friendly events around the country, head on over to Examiner.com