30 August 2007

Cute Alert: Afro Ken

I'm not sure why I haven't heard of Afro Ken until recently since I adore cute Japanese characters. He definitely is running neck and neck with Whiplash the cowboy monkey as the most awesomest thing I've seen this month. According to Wikipedia, Afro Ken is a Japanese character created by the San-X company. He is a dog with a rainbow-colored afro who is innocent, blameless and always in a good mood. Afro Ken is always willing to try new things and is attracted to objects that look like he does(?). His hair changes to look like these things as he gets close to them. There is an Afro Ken Family Tree with other dog characters, such as Techno Ken, Funky Ken, Lord Ken, Super Afro Ken, and Normal Ken (does not have wild hair). Here's a video of Afro Ken set to the "Who Let the Dogs Out" song. I like the beer and pea afros. Cute!